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The Unique Sukabumi Stone’s Features for Décor

Different stones for décor; especially pool décor will give different looks and whole vibes of the place. Sukabumi stone is one of the favorite natural stones for pool décor. It brings the aesthetic and natural look perfectly. You will see the green color of the stones as the main color and its main characteristic. It looks natural and luxurious. You know, many high class places with private pools are using these stones as the main décor.

Another unique feature of this stone is anti-slip. That is why many people and architects use this stone for the pool floor. Besides, if you use this stone for your pool; it will help reduce the use of chlorine. Why? I will explain to you further below.

Well, these kinds of stones are not only suitable for pool décor but also for your sidewalk applications and walls for your natural gardens. How about that? Ok, let’s see more unique and best features of this stone for your references as follows!

Several Unique Features and Characteristics of Sukabumi Stones

This natural stone is only found in Indonesia. There are two types of Sukabumi stones; they are Crystal Green and Plain Green. Their characteristics are the same but they have different looks on the surface. The plain green is smoother than the crystal green. The crystal green ones are heavier and have more beautiful crystal spots on them.

Those two types of green Sukabumi tiles are the best types of all. There are more types such as the stones with dark spots but it is usually not really recommended. So, what are the main unique features of this stone?

1. Beautiful Natural Green Look

If you love a natural look for your pool or garden; you could use these Sukabumi tiles or stones. This is the most elegant and natural look you usually find in five-star hotels around the world. If you want it to be in your private pool. You could use it too!

This green look of the stones will also make you relax and give positive energy while swimming. You will feel like swimming in a natural lake with less chemicals in the water!

2. Zeolite Substance for Water Filters

In Sukabumi tiles or stones; there is a Zeolite substance that will help clean the water naturally. It will filter the microorganisms and kill them. Therefore, you will not need to use a lot of chlorine for the pools. It will surely make your body and skin healthier, right?

3. Thermally Stable

This Sukabumi stone will not absorb heat. Therefore, the temperature of the pools using these tiles or stones will always be stable. The stable temperature will make the water fresh and feel good for the swimmer’s body.

It will be safe for kids or even adults with sensitive skin! Not much microorganism (healthy water) and comfortable water temperature for the pool is so perfect.

4. Anti-slip

It is also anti-slip! Another good news about these Sukabumi stones for you! If you ever worry about slipping on the pool tiles; it won’t happen to you if you swim in the pool using Sukabumi tiles. This feature also will be so perfect for you who have kids.

Kids will not be slipped on the pool’s floor this time. So, if you do not have a private pool yet; choose the pools that are using these Sukabumi tiles for your family. Your parents and kids will have fun without worry about slipping.

You probably know how many accidents of pools because of the floor, don’t you?

5. Clean and Durable

The stones are also clean and durable. The durable features will give advantages for the high pressure pools or deep pools. It will not absorb the water too. For you who want to build deep pools; this stones will be the perfect stones for your pools.

The clean stones will not need extra maintenance and effort. It will keep almost all you need for the pools. So, do you want to have the stones for your pool and wall décor or not?

Sukabumi stone has all you need for the clean, healthy, long-lasting, low risk, elegant and natural look for the pools and your other décor applications such as walls and floor or sidewalks.

So, how about the price? Well, I could tell you one of the best suppliers of the stone here. You only need to do more surveys about the quality and the suppliers’ professionalism.

There are different ways to do finishing for the stones too. You could choose which one is the best finishing that will be perfect for your projects. How many types of this stone’s finishing?

There are about five types of finishing you could choose. They are honed, bullnose, sawn cut, bevel and rough face. What is the difference? The differences are mostly on the surface cutting; it is smooth or not. It all depends on the needs of the pools or places.

The rough face is an example of natural finishing. You will have a natural look of the Sukabumi stones with this finishing. If you want to have smoother finishing for the comfortable feet on it; you could choose the honed one.

This elegant and beautiful stone is not only found in Bali or Indonesian hotels and pools but also in many countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, America, Europe Countries, Africa and so on. We could say that the stones are so famous for their quality and also the look.

Therefore, it is really a good decision if you want to use these stones for your private pools too. You will have a five-star hotel-like pool in your home! You do not need to go to a five-star hotel to find a comfortable and natural pool; you only need to go to your backyard!

That is all about the Sukabumi stone unique features and characteristics. You could find more information and pictures in the link I gave you. I hope you love this article that helps you find the answers of your questions about the best natural stones. Have a nice day!